Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Chapter 1: Origin of the Winder Family

When following the male genealogy line from son to father to grandfather, and so forth, eventually you reach a period of the Middle Ages where records become spotty and names of average people were not recorded. Yet, because of modern scientific breakthroughs in the field of DNA research, we can map out where the fathers of the Winder family came from. The people of the world with the last name “Winder” come from a variety of places, but our family comes from the Winders of south eastern England in the counties of Kent and Sussex. But thanks to DNA research, we can see where our forefathers come from even deeper in the mists of antiquity! 

Winder DNA Analysis

Everyone has in their body DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), which provides genetic instructions to your body about how it should be—whether to have brown hair or blonde, to be tall or short, or whether you can curl your tongue or not, for example. Males have a Y chromosome in their DNA (or Y-DNA) that is passed down from father to son, just like a last name. Their Y-DNA has a unique signature made up of markers in unique positions (called alleles) that rarely change over hundreds of years. Because of this, a Y-DNA test can tell you where your father’s fathers came from.

Here are my Y-DNA results, which would be the same Y-DNA signature that my grandpa Ned Winder has, John Rex Winder has, and other paternal ancestors back for ages:

Every time someone’s allele is a different position from another person’s it is called a mutation. The fewer mutations, the closer we are related (all humankind is eventually related if we go far enough back. The question is how closely we are related to others). Comparing the Winder Y-DNA with others is insightful (see chart to the right).[i]

For example, our most common recent ancestor with Genghis Khan appears to be very distant, and we are far more closely related to Celtic notables. You can see that our paternal ancestors were not Anglo-Saxons and that we are not closely related at all with the Winder families of northern England.

A perfect match is found with the Brythonic Celt sample, although based on only six key markers. Yet their closely related cousins, the Gaelic Celts (including the ancient Irish nobles), have strong matches when looking at 25 markers. This seems to validate the Celtic heritage.

Our Brythonic Celtic Heritage

The Celts (from the Greek word Keltoid) are first found in the central European valleys of what is now southern Germany and Austria about 800 BC. They expanded throughout Europe and by about 200 BC had reached the southern shores of the island of Britain. Our Winder forefathers arrived to the island they would call home for the next two-thousand years. These Celts in Britain were called Brythons or Britons. By 100 BC the Gaelic Celts began to diverge genetically from the Brythonic Celts. The Gaelic Celts form the basic stock of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. DNA tells us that the direct Winder forefathers were among the Brythonic Celts who remained in Britain, not their Gaelic cousins.

The Brythonic Celts were impacted somewhat when Julius Caesar led a Roman army into southern Britain in 55 BC, but were dramatically affected when the Romans conquered the whole of what would become England and Wales in 43 AD. The Romans would rule Britannia, as they called it, until they abandoned it around 410 AD. Romans in Britannia often intermarried with the native Britons, and the ancestors of the Winders certainly picked up some Roman blood in those centuries.

After the Romans left England, successive waves of invading Angles, Saxons, and Jutes from modern Denmark and Germany arrived on the island. DNA shows that our forefathers were among the native Britons, who often battled fiercely against the Anglo-Saxon invaders. In 495, Brythonic Celts dealt a serious blow to the Anglo-Saxon armies at the Battle of Mount Badon, but the Anglo-Saxon domination eventually continued.

Many Celts were driven west into Wales and Cornwall (southwest Britain), and in 577 a Saxon victory at the Battle of Deorham divided these two Brythonic strongholds. Culturally, the Brythonic Celts survived in Wales, Cornwall, and in Brittany in northwest France (where some had migrated in the 400s). Even today some of their ancient language survives in the dialects of Welsh, Cumbric, Cornish, and Breton.

But according to DNA studies, the Anglo-Saxons did not wipe out the Romano-British natives in all parts of England, especially in the south where our Winder ancestors are eventually identified. Rather, over the course of six centuries, they conquered the native Brythonic people and imposed their Germanic culture and language upon them.

DNA shows that the direct son-to-father line of Winder ancestors were among the Brythonic Celts—the people who have been in Britain for two-thousand years, and who fought with (and then merged with) invading Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, and then Normans.
 Our earliest Winder forebears are found in County Sussex, which from 477-825 was the Kingdom of Sussex (meaning South Saxons). Most of Sussex during the Middle Ages was covered by the Forest of Andred, which was 120 miles wide, 30 miles deep, and included wolves, boars, and bears. Many of the early Britons fled into the forest when the Saxons first arrived in southern England. Eventually the Britons intermixed with the Saxons. Intermarriage occurred over the centuries, and our British Winder forefathers would undoubtedly have assimilated with the many Anglo-Saxon households dominant in old England.

Around 600, Anglo-Saxon England was Christianized as missionaries arrived from Ireland and Rome. In 825, the Kingdom of Sussex began to combine with neighboring kingdoms, eventually becoming the Kingdom of England. Viking raids resulted in Danish kings ruling England on and off beginning in 1013. And so our Winder forefathers continued from generation to generation in early medieval Britain amidst the struggles and turmoil of their place and times.

The last successful invasion of Britain was by William the Conqueror, who crossed the English Channel from Normandy (in today’s France) and whose landing site was in the immediate area where some of our earliest Winder ancestors are found.  He defeated England’s King Harold II in the famous Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, and marched his Norman army on to London, where he was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066 in Westminster Abbey.

This is an excerpt from the Bayeux Tapestry, a 224-foot-long cloth depicting the successful conquest of England by William the Conqueror of Normandy in 1066. The earliest Winder families have been found near where the famed Battle of Hastings took place—and DNA analysis shows that they were already in England at the time of the famous invasion.
The ancestors of the earliest Winder families would certainly have been up close witnesses to the Norman invasion of England, and we know now because of DNA research that the direct father-to-son line of Winder ancestors was already in England when the Conqueror came. The Winder ancestors were among the native Britons who first absorbed the Anglo-Saxon invaders and hundreds of years later assimilated with the thousands of Normans who came with William the Conqueror from France. 

The Beginning of Last Names

In England, people did not start using last names until the 1200s, and nearly all families had last names by 1400.  When William the Conqueror surveyed much of England in compiling his Domesday Book in 1086, we don’t see last names being used.  But when King Edward I returned from the Crusades in 1274 he set out to survey the kingdom for judicial and taxation purposes, and we begin to see some last names appear.  Edward’s survey looked at each hundred (or borough) and is known as the “Hundred Rolls”.

In the Hundred Roll for Sussex, in the Rape (or county subdivision) of Hastings, in the Hundred of Foxearle (sometimes spelled Foxherle), we learn of the Sheriff, Matthew of Hastings, who in 1274 successfully appealed for the release from jail a group of six innocent men, including William de la Wynde and his son John.[ii]  William’s French name literally means “William of the Wynde”, meaning their family likely lived at the wind, or bend in the road or river.  The French influence on the English language was great during the first couple of centuries after William the Conqueror led his armies from Normandy, France into England. 

When the next great survey of England was taken, in the Sussex Subsidy of 1296, we don’t see many last names with both the French “de” and “le”, but instead we see the growing use of the Middle English contraction “atte” (meaning “at the”).  For example, in the Sussex Subsidy of 1296 we meet Nicholas whose family lived by the stone, so they called him Nicholas atte Stone.   In the survey we also meet Henry atte Bridge (who lived at the bridge), William atte Greene (who might have lived at the village green), and Robert atte Walle (who may have lived at the city wall).

Most important to us, however, is we meet Richard atte Wynde and Robert atte Wynde, possible relatives or descendants of William de la Wynde or John de la Wynde mentioned in 1274 in a location just nine miles down the road. 

When King Edward I, shown here, returned from fighting in the Crusades in 1274 he ordered a survey done of his kingdom. Called the “Hundred Rolls”, this census contains the first record of anyone with the name “Winder” when it mentioned William de la Wynde and his son John, who had an early form of the name “Winder”.
By looking closely at the Sussex Subsidy of 1296 and ones taken in 1327 and 1332, we can learn much about these early Winder ancestors.  The village of Wilting where the two atte Wynde families lived was not large—only 20 households in 1296, 16 in 1327, and 19 in 1332.  The village of Wilting (also spelled Wyltyng) was part of the Hundred of Baldslow (also spelled Baldeslowe), which was part of the Rape (or subdivision of the county) of Hastings. 

This map shows where the ancient county of Sussex was in southern England. Our earliest Winder ancestors are found in Sussex in the Middle Ages.
Richard atte Wynde appears to be the father, and Robert atte Wynde the son, since both appear in the 1296 survey, but only Robert is around in the 1327 and 1332 surveys.  The two atte Wynde families had very similar property values and were right in the middle of their village’s wealth—there were nine families richer than them and nine families poorer.  The value of their property was rather stable, with Robert’s value up a little in 1327, but then down a bit in 1332.[iii]

Over the next century or two, we see the “atte” at the start of these last names replaced with an “er” at the end.  The name atte Stone becomes Stoner, atte Bridge becomes Bridger, atte Greene becomes Greener, atte Walle becomes Waller, and atte Wynde becomes Wynder—and eventually Winder. 

In 1537, the Church of England required parishes to begin keeping church registers to record baptisms, marriages, and burials.  Because of this, we can trace the Winder family son-to-father back to the early 1500s.  However, before 1537 the records are spotty, and it has been impossible to connect the generations.  That said, there are dozens of likely family members appearing in the few records we have from the Middle Ages bearing the names of de la Wynde, atte Wynde, Wynde, Wyndere, Wynder, and Winder.  These all lived within a dozen miles or so of each other in Sussex, and the common first names seen in our post-1537 family history appear very frequently (William, John, Thomas, Richard, etc.).

This typical flint cottage in Sussex was built in the late 1200s and had an open hearth in the main room and an oven in the inner room. The early de la Wynde and atte Wynde families would have lived in similar humble cottages.
1274- William de la Wynde: an innocent man freed from jail by Matthew of Hastings, the Sheriff.  Mentioned in the Hundred of Foxearle.[iv]

1274- John de la Wynde: son of William de la Wynde and also freed from jail by Matthew of Hastings, the Sheriff.[v] 

1296- Robert atte Wynde: Living in the village of Wilting, now part of Crowhurst six miles north of Hastings.[vi]

1296, 1327, 1332-Richard atte Wynde: Living in Wilting and likely son of Robert atte Wynde.[vii]

1340- John Wyndere: associated with Winder’s Wood in Whatlington, five miles north of Wilting.[viii]

1400- Thomas Wynder: living in Hastings and possessing at least one servant.[ix]

1417- William Wyndere: associated with the Winder Farm in Peasmarsh, seven miles from Whatlington.[x]

1439- Thomas Wynder:  from Hastings, elected to the office of bailiff on July 27 by the General Brotherhood meeting in the town of Romney.[xi]  The bailiffs would travel north of London to Yarmouth during the great Herring Fair each fall to help keep the peace and secure the fishing rights of the towns along the Kent and Sussex coast (known collectively as the Cinque Ports).  Thomas would take the bailiff’s oath:

I will bear faith to our sovereign the King of England and the commonalty and the franchise and the usages of the same rightfully will maintain and the common profit will keep, and to rich and poor will do right so far as I can, so help me God and the Saints.[xii]

1441- William Wynder: from Hastings, elected that year to be bailiff to Yarmouth for the Herring Fair.[xiii] Likely a son or a brother to Bailiff Thomas Wynder of 1439. 

1467, 1483- Richard Wynde: Elected one of three deputies to Mayor Babylon Gramforde of Rye (twelve miles from Hastings), first on April 7, 1467 and repeatedly for decades, with his last election in 1483.[xiv]

1472- John Wynder:  Mentioned in Robertsbridge (ten miles north of Hastings) as one of  fifteen jurors in the March 1472 murder trial of William Woller.[xv]

1477, 1479- William Wynder: from Hastings, elected town deputy both those years.[xvi]  Possibly same as Bailiff William Wynder of 1441, but certainly a relative.

1493- Richard and Agnes Winder: mentioned in the town of Lewes (29 miles west of Hastings).[xvii]

Several early Wynders in the 1400s were elected as bailiffs and sailed north to Yarmouth during the great Herring Fair each fall to secure the fishing rights of the towns along the Kent and Sussex coast called the Cinque Ports. This ship flies the arms of the Cinque Ports as it carries their bailiff to Yarmouth.
1509- Richard Wynder: The furthest direct Winder ancestor we can connect genealogically to the present day Winder family.  Born about 1509 in Burwash (four miles from Robertsbridge).

1527- Thomas Wynder: He and two others were asked by the mayor of Rye to provide evidence in the case of Richard Ingram, who was accused of speaking “evyll and obprobryus” words against the local government.[xviii]

[ii] A copy of The Hundred Roll for Sussex is found at the LDS Church Genealogical Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.
[iii] The complete Sussex Subsidy was online as of 27 March 2011 at
[iv] Hundred Rolls of Sussex, Rape of Hastings, Hundred of Foxearle.
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Sussex Subsidy, online as of 27 March 2011 at
[vii] Ibid.
[viii] A. Mower and F.M. Stenton, The Place Names of Sussex, (Cambridge: University Press, 1930), 501.
[ix] Sussex Public Record Office, 179/235/2 and p. 9.
[x] A. Mower and F.M. Stenton, The Place Names of Sussex, (Cambridge: University Press, 1930), 533.
[xi] See F. Hull, Calendar of the White and Black Books of the Cinque Ports (1966) and Ronald and Frank Jessup, The Cinque Ports, (London: B.T. Batsford, Ltd., 1952), 21.
[xii] J. Manwaring Baines, Historic Hastings (St. Leonard’s-on-Sea, East Sussex: Cinque Ports Press Ltd., 1986), 25-26.
[xiii] F. Hull, Calendar of the White and Black Books of the Cinque Ports (1966).
[xiv] F. Hull, Calendar of the White and Black Books of the Cinque Ports (1966), 55, 60, 68, 74, 75, 87.
[xv] Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. 95, p. 57.
[xvi] F. Hull, Calendar of the White and Black Books of the Cinque Ports (1966).
[xvii] Sussex Notes and Queries, vol. 8, p. 320.
[xviii] F. Hull, Calendar of the White and Black Books of the Cinque Ports (1966), 55, 60, 68, 74, 75, 87.